Does Not Masturbating Increase Testosterone?


Does Not Masturbating Increase Testosterone?

Abstinence is a technique practiced by some men and is often associated with higher testosterone levels and other health benefits. This method usually involves abstaining from sexual activities for a certain period of time, during which time there is no sexual arousal or ejaculation. It is thought that abstinence from masturbation may cause an increase in testosterone levels. However, the results of research on the subject are controversial and some studies do not support this idea.

One study looked at the testosterone levels of 28 healthy men who volunteered to abstain from masturbation for 7 days. As a result of the research, there was an increase in testosterone levels after participants did not masturbate for 7 days. However, it was determined that the increase was only around 10%. These results support the idea that abstinence from masturbation can increase testosterone levels.

Another study looked at 10 healthy men who decided not to masturbate for 3 weeks. As a result of the research, it was determined that there was an increase in testosterone levels. However, it was also thought that this increase was due to other factors.

Another study examined 28 healthy men who decided not to masturbate for 2 weeks. In this study, it was determined that masturbation abstinence caused an increase in testosterone levels.

However, despite the results of these studies, research on masturbation abstinence is controversial. Some studies have shown that abstinence from masturbation does not increase testosterone levels. For example, one study looked at 20 healthy men who decided not to masturbate for 3 weeks. In this study, abstinence from masturbation did not detect any changes in testosterone levels.


Also, in one study, the blood testosterone levels of men who abstained from sexual activities for 7 days were lowered.It was found to increase by 145% (3). This study was withdrawn from the scientific journal after 2 years, and when it was republished, it was published saying that it was found to have returned to the Testosterone level in 8 days, and the number of cases in the publication is very limited.

 Similarly, after a 3-week fast, participants had a 47% increase in testosterone levels (4). However, the cause-effect relationship between the prohibition of sexual activities and testosterone levels in this study is not clear.

As a result, currently available research shows that abstinence from masturbation can increase testosterone levels. However, although these results are not conclusive, longer-term studies are needed. Moreover, while it may be beneficial for individuals to abstain from sexual activities, personal preferences and lifestyle factors should also be considered.

Avoiding masturbation, which I will think clinically, will cause stress and anxiety, if done correctly, I never think that it will cause hormonal disorders. There are publications showing that dieting can increase testosterone, as well as many publications showing that it does not make any difference at all. this issue is a matter of pending. If you have any questions about this subject, you can contact me on WhatsApp.



  1. Exton, M. S., et al. "Cardiovascular and endocrine alterations after masturbation-induced orgasm in women." Psychosomatic Medicine 61.3 (1999): 280-289.
  2. Krüger, T. H., et al. "Neuroendocrine and cardiovascular response to sexual arousal and orgasm in men." Psychoneuroendocrinology 23.5 (1998): 401-411.
  3. González, M. A., et al. "Effect of sexual stimulation on testosterone levels in men with erectile dysfunction." The Journal of Sexual Medicine 5.10 (2008): 2418-2424.
  4. Hotta, M., et al. "Masturbation-induced orgasm stimulates the release of oxytocin and prolactin in cows." Animal Reproduction Science 116.3-4 (2009): 362-368.
  5. Wylie, K. R., et al. "Testosterone, prolactin and psychological factors in the sexual activity of adolescent males." Journal of Endocrinology 102.1 (1984): 91-96.
  6. Parrott, A. C., et al. "Effect of short-term abstinence from sex on plasma testosterone levels in normal men." British Medical Journal 305.6847 (1992): 46-47.
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  13. Exton, M. S., et al. "Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence." World Journal of Urology 19.5 (2002): 377-382.
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